Author Archives: David Chen

006 Real Estate Buyers Transaction Timeline

News: Basic preparation idea for house selling

California Residential Buyers Transaction Timeline – CAR form

3 Business days – Initial Deposit in.

7 days – Receive all disclosure, statement, report, and start investigation.

17 days & 21 days – contingency removal.

Before Close escrow – Verify Condition of property

Close Escrow – Payment (down payment, lender funding (if there is a loan)

Note: All days fall on calendar day except Initial deposit, If the last day for any act falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or Legal holiday is not counted. Instead the act may be performed on the next calendar day.  If a Saturday, Sunday  or Legal holiday falls on the first day or any day other than the last day, the Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holiday is counted.  Check with your Realtor for detail

005 Real Estate Seller Transaction Timeline

News: Zillow Merge Trulia

005 Real Estate Sellers Translations Time line

0-7 days – pass disclosure, statements, inspections, reports to buyer

17 day, 21 days – make sure all contingency are removed,

Before Close of escrow (California): make sure Utility are on for all inspections and verification of property

COE: Deliver Deed, make sure buyer funded property and  Collect funds

Note: All days fall on calendar day except Initial deposit, If the last day for any act falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or Legal holiday is not counted. Instead the act may be performed on the next calendar day. If a Saturday, Sunday or Legal holiday falls on the first day or any day other than the last day, the Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holiday is counted. Check with your Realtor for detail.

002 Real Estate how to search for a property

Real Estate News this week is the creation of the Dot Realtor domain,  The NAR (National Association of Realtors) obtain the domain Dot Realtor for the Realtors and NAR related business, the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Name and Number) who assigns Dot Com, Dot Org, Dot Net domain name, since then has opened 1900 or more Domain due to able to have 21 digits in end domain.  Therefore due to copy right of name Realtor, NAR was able to obtain the Realtor name.  So in the future, you will start to see realtor have a .realtor for their email and webpage.  As for me, I am a realtor, so you can reach me at and

Today’s topic Is what to search on the property

To get a property, we would need to know what to look for.  Sometimes it’s easier to have an idea what kind of property you would able to see based on your criteria of that you can afford, then what you would like to see.  Which if you did your preparation correctly, asked your realtor about the location & area you would likely to increase the speed that your realtor’s selection for you.  Here are the some of the information you could use for

Locations – Location are almost most important item on the list, because the rest item on the list will be effected on the list.  Make a choice on the location will help you make difference on what property can be available for purchase within budget

Price – Started with location, based other choices on the rest of the list will make the budget on the price and available choice on the price.  But remember, List price is one thing, Current price is one thing, market price is another things, but Final price is ultimately the agreed price between the seller, and the buyer with agreed term

size – size of the property are variable and important, but also look at the floor plan, it helps the overall solution on the feel of the size.

rooms – Most time, depend on the various choice and issue, what you need is whatever the rooms you need.

Years – the property years is important, but also need to see what kind remodeled are done due to the property, and sometime the old is not bad, just what type of the property you are looking for.

style of the property- there are many different style on the interior and exterior of the property, look at different type will help make the selection easier

floor plan – depend on your need, you may want to look different flow of your floor plan.

Of course there are other information that’s important for you that might not be listed, but would be your personal criteria to help you make the selection.  Thank you.